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Want More Training?
For the outpost leader who wants to continue training and mentoring boys, there are several more avenues.
Continuous Learning (CL).
This will be the easiest. It will consist of continuing with available modules, new modules as they are released, action camps, conferences, seminars, and national camps. This training may come from both national and district level. This additional training beyond the Advanced Level will be recognized with a corresponding ribbon. Refer to Continuous Learning for authorized training.
Medal of Excellence (MOE).
This medal should be set as a goal for each leader. It represents his commitment in taking a boy through a complete age-level advancement journey . The outpost leader must be Advanced Level to submit for the award. The leader MUST be the PRIMARY mentor and teacher for a particular boy during his earning the three levels of accomplishment in his age group. This means the Elk, Cougar, Wolverine and RK medal for a Ranger Kid; Gold Falcon, Hawk, and Eagle for a Discovery Ranger; Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals of Achievement for an Adventure or Expedition Ranger, and the E1, E2, and E3 medals for an Expedition Ranger. The boy must have started his age group advancements after September 1, 2008. A commander may earn more than one, but it is not something that will be earned in a year or two. It is taking a boy on his journey and likely span between two and a half to three years. It will be somewhat of a leaders’ Gold Medal of Achievement. Not all commanders will receive it, just like all boys do not receive the GMA. Refer to the Medal of Excellence for more information and forms.
Organizational Leaders Training (OLT).
This is training of a higher order. Like the Medal of Excellence, it is an endeavor of commitment but will require more input from the leader. Organizational leaders are those above the outpost level. However, outpost leaders are encouraged to participate in this training track. There are four levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. The elements of each level are Education (Berean, NC School of Ministry, or equivalent), Leadership Development Seminars (posted by the national office and some are held by the district), Service (Ranger Training Academy, Action camps, CI, starting Ops), Reading (selected books identified), and completing personal goals. Refer to Organizational Leader Training for more information and forms.