North Carolina District, FCF, Ole' Hickory Chapter

    "5-Star Chapter"    

 New Members and members without period outfits or shelters:  Come on out to the events, even if you don't have equipment from the frontier time.  At all FCF events, we have places (nice places) where you can set up a modern shelter of your choosing.  This will let you come out and have fun and learn the things you need to know so you can eventually make or buy your own outfit and shelter.  You can try everything from shooting black powder, to throwing knives and hawks, to eating strange food.  You might not be good at it right away, but ya gotta start somewhere.  So come on out - the fellowship is worth the trip!

If you are an FCF member and you are not getting at least TWO letters from "White Cloud" each year, then you need to contact WHITE CLOUD and find out what is wrong. We probably have the wrong E-mail address for you or something like that. The important thing is to LET US KNOW if you need information and are not getting it!!!!

Some folks have been asking for the Outfit Judging Rules

OutFit Judging Rules can be found HERE!

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